FIFA 11+ Injury Prevention Program for Football Players

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FIFA 11+ Injury Prevention Program for Football Players
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Injuries and football players go hand in hand From exercise training research that is specific to soccer it can help reduce injuries by up to 30% Today, the BASEM team has a warm-up method recommended by FIFA and calls this training method FIFA 11+ for football players to use to reduce injuries during matches and practice

Injuries in soccer mostly occur in the knees ankles thigh muscles and groins
Injuries can be of various kinds, including: such as

  • Not very severe, such as muscle bruising

  • Severe, such as sprains and muscle tears

  • Very severe, such as broken bones and dislocated joints

One factor that affects injuries in different areas is weak core and leg muscles lack of flexibility or poor balance

Hamstrings muscles are often injured frequently, which are located at the back of the thigh and consist of 3 muscles, namely:
  1. Semitendinosus
  2. Semimembranosus
  3. Biceps Femoris

These hamstrings muscles, if injured, can be a problem for soccer athletes. Athletes can reduce the risk of knee injuries with an exercise program with different training postures of FIFA 11+

The FIFA 11+ Program

Should be used as part of a daily exercise routine for soccer athletes which takes only 15 – 20 minutes at least twice a week can reduce injuries by up to 30% without the need for any special equipment other than a soccer ball The exercise focuses on 3 main parts, namely:

  1. Strengthening muscles especially the core muscles thigh muscles such as hamstrings (Core stability, dynamic stabilisation and eccentric hamstring strength)
  2. Enhancing brain and muscle coordination and balance including body organization and joint position awareness (Balance, proprioceptive and co-ordination training)
  3. Enhancing body movement agility and direction changing (Deceleration and agility training)

FIFA 11+ and the Bangkok Institute of Sports Science and Exercise (BASEM)

In addition to Bangkok Hospital being certified by FIFA as the sole FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence in ASEAN the FIFA team also trusts the Bangkok Institute of Sports Science and Exercise (BASEM) by specifically training in the FIFA 11+ program to provide care advice and training in the FIFA 11+ program to soccer athletes and coaches enhancing protection from injuries that may arise from playing soccer and improving footballing performance Importantly, this program can be done anywhere anytime without the need for any additional equipment

“Prevention is the best way to avoid injuries“


Poster FIFA 11+
Click to see enlargement



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