BDMS Unveils Sustainable Strategy Following 2023 DJSI Ranking as Top Healthcare Provider

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BDMS Unveils Sustainable Strategy Following 2023 DJSI Ranking as Top Healthcare Provider

Upon achieving global recognition as one of the world’s leading healthcare company’s, as ranked by the 2023 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for conducting sustainable business practices, BDMS (Bangkok Dusit Medical Services) is steadfastly committed to responsibly delivering its services in alignment with global standards and principles of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). This recognition underscores BDMS’s dedication to sustainability and its commitment to conducting business responsibly. By adhering to ESG principles, BDMS aims to uphold its reputation as an innovator in the healthcare sector while contributing positively to society and the environment.

BDMS Innovative Healthcare and BDMS Green Healthcare stand out as two key initiatives that reflect BDMS’s commitment to sustainable development and have already demonstrated tangible results. Through Innovative Healthcare, BDMS has pioneered groundbreaking approaches leading to improved treatment methods and better patient outcomes. Through our Green Healthcare initiative BDMS has effectively implemented eco-friendly practices and reduced our environmental footprint.

Dr. Poramaporn Prasarttong-Osoth, President of Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited, recently unveiled the group’s comprehensive strategies and long-term objectives aimed at continuing to advance BDMS towards long-term sustainability whilst emphasizing the necessity of adopting a forward-looking perspective, spanning over a decade or more, to effectively address the complexities and challenges inherent in sustainable development.

“Reflecting on our journey, the executives and the working team deliberated extensively on the challenge of advancing towards sustainability. The consensus was clear: we cannot afford to remain stagnant; we must forge ahead. Despite the absence of a blueprint for sustainability within the healthcare sector in Thailand, and indeed throughout the broader Asia Pacific region, we are compelled to lead the way,” said Dr. Poramaporn.

This achievement would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of every individual within the organization as well as all of our valued stakeholders.

We are committed to fostering a collaborative approach rather than issuing top-down directives. Together, over the past three years, we have worked towards our shared goals. With a mission to deliver exceptional service, BDMS has championed innovation to generate fresh societal value while addressing disparities in healthcare access. Moreover, we have actively promoted environmental stewardship, aiming to lead by example in the healthcare sector’s transition towards a low-carbon society. Our dedication to sustainability extends to meeting the expectations of stakeholders across all sectors. As we look ahead, we are poised to establish a network for sustainable medical business development across the entire supply chain by 2030,” mentioned Dr. Poramaporn.

BDMS has set in place frameworks for operations as well as communications guidelines for affiliated business organizations and business partners to drive activities to develop the businesses sustainably across the three ESG dimensions including environmental, social, governance and economic dimensions.



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