Frequent illness may be due to a weak immune system.

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Frequent illness may be due to a weak immune system.
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People who frequently fall ill with various ailments are showing signs of a weakened physical health. Observe whether you have been neglecting your health because poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive stress, and insufficient rest can easily invite diseases. Another possible reason could be a weakened immune system, which results from not taking good care of your health, as the immune system acts as the first line of defense against diseases.


The immune system is like soldiers fighting against diseases

In reality, we are surrounded by germs all the time. On any given day, we may encounter numerous germs, yet we don’t always get sick or only rarely become ill. This is because our body has an immune system made up of white blood cells that act like soldiers fighting off infections. If these soldiers are strong, it’s difficult for infections to invade, but if our bodies are weakened, it also affects our immune system, making us susceptible to getting sick more easily.

Why is the immune system weakened?


1) Genetics

The immune system is something that is inherited from our parents. If the parents are healthy, their children are likely to have a good immune system as well. However, even if one is naturally prone to illness, it is possible to enhance the immune system with good health care, such as eating nutritious foods and exercising.



2) Health Care Behavior

From being healthy to becoming weakened if not paying attention to health, such as not eating all 5 food groups, not eating fruits and vegetables, not resting enough, or accumulating stress. Particularly, stress is a destroyer that interferes with various systems in the body and can also lead to serious illnesses unexpectedly.



The severity of a weakened immune system

A weakened immune system does not only make you susceptible to colds or allergies, but it’s like opening your home’s door to welcome other more dangerous infections such as various cancers or autoimmune diseases (SLE) that are life-threatening. So, if you get sick frequently, it’s better to start looking after your health.

Take care of yourself before getting sick

It’s possible to prevent diseases by taking care of yourself, altering your lifestyle, and regardless of whether you get sick frequently due to genetics or behavior, you can improve your immune system by practicing the following



4 practices before getting sick

1) Eat disease-fighting foods

Besides eating a balanced diet from all 5 food groups, it’s important to include foods that boost the immune system, mainly found in fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, like dark green or orange-yellow vegetables, various mushrooms, and minerals like selenium or zinc found in meat, seafood, milk, or nuts.



2) Exercise

Helps improve blood circulation and strengthens white blood cells in various tissues to fight infections more easily. Additionally, the body releases endorphins after exercising, which help feel more relaxed, reduce stress, and anxiety, which are factors that can lead to diseases. It’s recommended to exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3 – 4 days a week.



