Bangkok Academy of Sports and Exercise Medicine (BASEM)


  • Advanced minimally invasive surgery in sports injuries: Advances in minimally invasive surgery have emerged with superior advantages for treating sports and exercise injuries. Instead of having large incisions required for conventional surgery, minimally invasive surgery can be performed through smaller incisions, leading to less traumatic injuries to the surrounding tissues and muscles, fewer postoperative complications such as less infection rates and less blood loss during surgery. Combined with rehabilitation care after surgery, recovery can be accelerated, enabling the patients to quickly return to their daily lives and sport activities with a shorter hospital stay.      
  • Return-to-sports program: After sports injuries, it is essential to ensure physical fitness and readiness before getting back on track. The goal is not just to completely heal the injuries; our return-to-sports program also intends to enhance athletic performance to achieve their professional ambitions. Return-to-sports program as post-surgery care is individually designed to be best-suited for each individual. Programs involve physical fitness assessment after injuries, rehabilitation exercise, muscle strengthening and training by using advanced sports medicine and rehabilitation equipment. 
  • FIFA Pre-Precompetition Medical Assessment (PCMA): Before football players participate in any competition, their physical fitness must be ensured that they are sufficiently fit to cope with the demands of training and playing. Following FIFA’s recommendations, FIFA Pre-Precompetition Medical Assessment (PCMA) aims to identify potentially significant medical conditions that can affect health and playing ability of the players. PCMA involves general medical assessment e.g. blood test, cardiac assessment and relevant musculoskeletal assessment. PCMA is often considered before the football players participate in a competition or before they enter into new football associations.            
  • Fit-for-performance program: Fit-for-performance program involves a comprehensive physical assessment for both professional and amateur athletes. The program helps to evaluate physical fitness, physical readiness and muscle strength before workouts or participating in any sport. Besides improving physical performance and endurance, the program also assists the athletes in preventing sports-related injuries that can potentially happen during training or playing the games.  
  • Sports performance program: Ensuring your fitness before a game with personalized Fit-to-Play programs which are designed for particular sports by sports medicine specialists at BASEM. Pre-participation evaluation and fitness assessment aim to improve athletic performance along with individual recommendations and training programs while minimizing the chance of sport injuries. Based on different types of sports, sports performance programs include:  
    • Football Performance Program
    • Golf Performance Program
    • Tennis Performance Program
    • Badminton Performance Program

Package: Sports Performance Packages By BASEM

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