Playing football keeps you healthy and fit for a long time.

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Playing football keeps you healthy and fit for a long time.
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Many are accustomed to the recommendation of exercising regularly, at least 3 – 5 times per week, approximately 20 – 60 minutes each time, whether running, brisk walking, swimming, stationary cycling, or hand biking. All of these can improve health, especially in reducing the rate of coronary artery disease, which is a cause of ischemic heart disease and premature death.

FIFA once published an article on how playing football can be as beneficial to health as other forms of exercise such as running, swimming, and cycling. What’s better is that it includes the joy and fun of playing in a team. Research studies in indoor 5-a-side non-professional football players, playing for 30 minutes, show that during the game, 90% of the time (equivalent to 27 minutes), the heart rate increases to 70% of their maximum heartbeat, which affects the fitness of the heart, lungs, and circulation as much as other recommended exercises. It was found that, regardless of the position played, every 15 minutes, they could burn approximately 110 – 200 kilocalories, which is comparable to jogging and skiing and even better than playing tennis.

Furthermore, reports say that individuals of normal weight who do not exercise at all have three times the mortality rate of those who are overweight but exercise regularly. In addition, there are numerous scientifically proven benefits in both disease prevention and treatment.

Football Prevents Diseases

Strengthening muscles used in exercising can prevent injuries or inflammations from accidents more easily. If the muscles involved are leg muscles, it can prevent knee injuries. If they are muscles around the elbows or shoulders, it makes it harder for those joints to get injured. And if they are back or abdominal muscles, it helps prevent back pain from muscle inflammations or sprains due to poor muscle and tendon flexibility around the back.

Moreover, overall stronger muscles can prevent falls or ankle sprains, which are common in people who do not exercise, because it helps maintain body balance during movement.

  • Prevents Osteoporosis Exercise causes muscle contractions and acts on various bones throughout the body, reducing the amount of calcium which is an essential component of bones, similar to people who are physically inactive, such as those with paralysis, which results in progressively thinner bones.

  • Prevents Heart Disease and Ischemic Stroke Because blood vessels in those who exercise regularly are more flexible, there’s less chance of arteriosclerosis and fat reduction due to exercise. Particularly, the arteries that supply the heart and brain do not clog easily, reducing the risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke. It also reduces the chances of premature death or paralysis.

  • Prevents High Blood Pressure Because arteries do not easily harden and become more flexible, they do not stiffen as one ages, and the heart faces less resistance when pumping blood to different body parts, which is a cause of high blood pressure.

  • Prevents Colon and Breast Cancer There’s reliable evidence that people who exercise regularly have a lower incidence of these cancers than those who do not exercise.

  • Prevents Depression Easily fatigued, because stronger muscles lead to better overall physical health. Exercise releases hormones that clear the mind, making the body healthier and happier.

  • Prevents Obesity By reducing excess fat. Exercise using different muscles helps remove fat from excess areas around the waist.


Benefits in Treating Diseases

  • Asthma Clear evidence shows that patients with asthma can improve with regular exercise.

  • Diabetes Many patients have returned to normal blood sugar levels like normal individuals without the need for insulin injections or medication by managing their diet in conjunction with regular exercise.

  • High Blood Pressure Exercise helps make blood vessels more flexible and reduces blood pressure, along with reducing heart rate, which indicates better blood supply to different body parts.

  • COPD Easily tired, exercise helps improve heart function, blood circulation, and respiratory system function.

  • High Cholesterol Exercise helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increases good cholesterol (HDL) levels.


Playing football provides both good physical health and fun. But don’t forget to practice other healthy behaviors as well, such as maintaining a healthy weight, choosing the right food, avoiding harmful substances, not depriving yourself of sleep, getting regular health check-ups, vaccinating against preventable diseases, and always maintaining a good mood.




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