Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band)

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Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band)
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Inflammation of the Lateral Thigh Tendon

Inflammation of the lateral thigh tendon, or the Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band), involves the tendon located on the outer part of the thigh connecting the lateral muscles and the gluteal muscles down past the knee to attach at the side of the shinbone. Every step while running, the IT Band contracts and stretches. Running excessively or for long distances can lead to inflammation of the thigh’s lateral tendon, or IT Band Syndrome, characterized by pain in the hip area, the outer thigh, and the knee.

Causes of Lateral Thigh Tendon Inflammation

Causes of lateral thigh tendon inflammation or IT Band Syndrome include:

  • Overuse, long-duration running, or repetitive motion can cause inflammation of the lateral tendon.

  • Lack of strength in the hip and thigh muscles.

  • Insufficient muscle stretching.

  • Incorrect running posture.

Prevention of Lateral Thigh Tendon Inflammation

  • Rest when feeling pain and apply cold compresses. Change the training program to include recovery periods.

  • Try to change running routes occasionally.

  • Strengthen the muscles of the hip and thigh.

  • Improve flexibility and massage the lateral thigh with a tennis ball or foam roller.

  • Wear proper and fitting shoes.

  • Consult a professional to analyze running to improve for proper technique.



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