10 Misconceptions About Losing Weight

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10 Misconceptions About Losing Weight
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1) Weight loss requires fasting

Truth :  To lose weight, our body needs to utilize or burn more energy than the energy we obtain from the food we consume. Therefore, weight loss or fat reduction requires controlling the calorie intake from food, which is not about fasting. On average, women require about 2,000 calories, and men require about 2,500 calories for daily life and maintaining weight. If you want to lose weight, it is recommended to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories or increase daily routine activities and exercises that burn an additional 500 calories. This can be one way to help lose weight or reduce fat. Additionally, factors affecting each individual’s energy expenditure vary depending on gender, age, daily routines, etc. If you are unsure about how much food is appropriate for weight loss while maintaining good health, consulting a specialist may be a better way to achieve your goals.

2) During weight loss, eat only when you feel hungry

Truth:  Eating irregularly or allowing the body to fast for too long until feeling hungry can stimulate the stress hormone called Cortisol, which increases the craving for foods, especially those high in sugar and fats. Consuming these foods in large amounts can be one reason for consuming more energy than needed and can lead to obesity. Therefore, it is better to eat regularly, three meals a day, than to eat only when hungry.

3) Eating meat does not cause obesity

Truth : Under normal conditions where the body is not fasting or severely lacking food, the body does not use protein for energy or convert protein into energy sources because the body gets enough energy from carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, eating foods that are high in protein, such as meat, does not cause obesity. However, meat has fat layers, and consuming meat with a lot of fat can lead to excess calories and obesity. Hence, if you wish to lose or control weight, it is recommended to consume lean meats such as chicken breast, pork tenderloin, boiled egg whites, etc.

4) During weight loss, only eat vegetables and fruits

Truth :One key to weight loss is controlling the calorie intake to not exceed the amount needed daily, and importantly, caloric restriction should not lead to a deficiency in nutrients essential for life. Eating only vegetables and fruits can provide sufficient energy but can result in a lack of other necessary nutrients. Hence, it is not recommended to eat just vegetables and fruits for weight loss. Additionally, adding vegetables to meals or substituting fruits for sugary snacks or desserts can be a better option because they contain fiber, which can lead to quicker satiety, aid digestion, but be cautious not to choose fruits that are too sweet.

5) Eliminate carbs during weight loss

Truth : Carbohydrates remain an essential nutrient that provides energy and is necessary for the body. Consuming carbs in appropriate amounts does not cause obesity. Since the food we consume today includes a lot of carbohydrates, there is a recommendation for weight loss that suggests reducing or eliminating carbohydrates. However, carbohydrates are not the sole cause of obesity. An initial suggestion for consuming carbohydrates is to eat them during morning and noon, but to avoid or limit them during the evening. For carbohydrate types, choose complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats, unpolished rice, whole wheat bread, etc., because they increase blood sugar levels slowly, create long-lasting satiety, reduce appetite, and help control hunger. For dinner, it is advisable to focus on protein-rich foods and green vegetables instead of carbohydrates to aid in weight loss.

6) Eating quickly or slowly does not affect weight loss

Truth : Taking more time to eat and chewing food thoroughly can help in weight control or reduction. Chew food well and eating slowly can help stimulate and signal the central brain parts that regulate hunger and fullness, making you feel full sooner. Moreover, chewing food thoroughly can also improve the efficiency of the digestive system.

7) Foods labeled low-fat or fat-free means they are calorie-free

Truth :Reading nutritional labels should include paying attention to details or ingredients, including protein, minerals, and other additives, not just focusing on total calorie or fat content. Eating low-fat or fat-free foods may reduce caloric intake compared to regular foods. However, some low-fat foods may have lower beneficial nutrients than their regular counterparts, and they may need to be modified by adding more starch, salt, or sugar to enhance flavor after removing fat. Thus, choosing foods based on fat content alone may not be the best approach.

8) Weight training makes you bulky and does not help in weight loss

Truth :Body weight on the scale reflects the weight of fat, muscle, and bone. Correct weight loss is about reducing the percentage of body fat. For men, the body fat should not exceed 28%, and for women, it should not exceed 32%. Thus, weight training increases muscle mass and reduces fat percentage. This muscle mass will help increase energy metabolism in the body by raising BMR, or Basal Metabolism, which means the rate of energy metabolism needed for daily life or the minimum calories required each day, benefiting health. Exercising to build muscle, such as weight lifting and push-ups, helps build muscle mass and muscle strength. Having appropriate muscle mass from exercising can significantly assist in weight control and management, and if done correctly, muscles will not expand abnormally, causing disproportionate body shape as feared.

9) Eating vegetarian helps reduce obesity

Truth :Eating vegetarian food is not the same as eating for weight loss. Eating for weight loss involves consuming a proportionate amount of protein, fats, and carbohydrates suitable for the required energy. Some vegetarian foods high in carbohydrates and fats can also cause obesity.

10) Weight loss supplements are efficient and quick for weight reduction

Truth : Good and quick weight loss practices involve regular exercise, sufficient rest, and proper diet. Dietary supplements with research supporting their role in enhancing fat metabolism, such as L-Carnitine, Irvingia Gabonensis, and Yerba Mate, can aid weight loss better than diet control and exercise alone. Therefore, using dietary supplements for weight reduction or control should be done after consulting a specialist, which could be a better choice. Currently, there is no research or scientific evidence supporting significant weight loss solely from taking supplements. Most people who take supplements for weight loss also control their diet or exercise, leading to overall weight reduction, which may make it seem like the weight loss is due to the supplements. Hence, taking the right dietary supplements for an individual can help lose weight more effectively than just controlling diet and exercising alone.


