Mental Health Rehabilitation and Recovery Center

Day-patient service

Day-patient care is for those living in the Bangkok community, They may attend a therapeutic program during the week. These are generally similar to programs offered in our inpatient services.

Outpatient service

Our specialist clinical team members offers a full range of outpatient mental health services including:

  • Psychiatric services
    Our psychiatrists offer psychiatric assessment, consultation, and ongoing management of all adult, adolescent, and child mental health issues.
  • Psychological services
    Our psychotherapists and psychologists offer psychotherapeutic assessment, ongoing psychotherapy, dramatherapy, and music therapy.
    • What is psychotherapy?
      Dramatherapy is a form of psychological therapy in which all of the performance arts are utilised within the therapeutic relationship. It is about using the imagination to work creatively. The approach is non-confrontational and the aim of a session is to achieve personal change by exploring issues and feelings, and finding new meanings of life in a safe, contained, and playful environment.
    • What is music therapy
      Music therapy is the use of sounds and music within an evolving relationship between the client and the therapist to support and develop physical, mental,social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Similar to dramatherapy, the approach is non-confrontational and no prior experience with musical instrument is necessary.
  • Occupational therapy services
    Occupational therapy aims to promote your health and wellbeing through everyday activities. An occupational therapist can identify problem areas you may have in everyday life, such as dressing or getting to the store, and will help you work out practical solutions. By using different techniques, changing your environment and using new equipment, an occupational therapist can help you regain or improve your independence.

Bangkok Wellbeing Clinic

Our Bangkok Wellbeing Clinic offers healthy lifestyle and well being programmes for those who may benefit from improving their life skills. The programs include aspects such as communication and assertiveness skills, and provide support for anxiety and stress management. Other practical activities aimed to improve all aspects of daily living are also included in our service. For instance, time management, better eating, better sleep, and a comprehensive smoke cessation programme. In addition, other specialist programmes for specific life circumstances are also on offer (e.g. living with cancer for both the patients and the caregivers.)

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